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Magimay, lvl 69 saint

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Magimay, lvl 69 saint Empty Magimay, lvl 69 saint

Post  Magimay Sun May 15, 2011 9:39 am

[insert random introduction here]

If you are interested in spefic build directions or would be interested n my opinion on a certain build, feel free to ask. I'll try to add more things later, tips about gear, skills etc.

HB - already there, nice for dps at grind when u r low on mana, mine does 2-4k

Cure - fav pve heal, 2.3-5k heal per cast, cheap on mana, fast, more than enough to keep a half-decent tank up, spammable, low aggro

MS - self-explanatory

HoC - ticks for 300-450 for me at lvl1, nice supplementary heal. Maxed lvl becomes a mana drainer, slightly higher aggro than cure, 2s cd time makes it less spammable

Bless, Holy Striking, Haste, Sharp Weapon - I'm pve buff-specced priest who duos with a gunner. Buffed up my buddy does almost double dmg on demon mobs

Resu - all my extra points. Would love to have it higher, but...don;t really need in my current gameplay and don;t have the points xD

Sun Ray - All mobs are demon for me. This skill is simply amazing, it directly changes the mob type into demon(dmg to demon type on weapon/demon dmg reduced on armour stack with it, undead don't). Lvl 1 is a must. Always. Even if u don;t dps, raying mobs will increase the killing speed of ur prt as long as u put HS on them

Mana activation - i'm just lazy to rb every 10 mins xD

Lux - self-explainatory

Prevention Cure - self-explainatory

Feedback Magic - For just in case. Some PD mobs have removable buffs, helps in pvp also

Recovery - I use it as a debuff removing spell. Mainly...never xD At lvl 1 it's relatively cheap on the mana and has the same hps as cure. Pve-wise I find it a waste to max. Seriously, how many mobs are there than do 10k+ dps? The long cast time makes it harder to handle since you have to predict when the spike dmg will hit and start casting before that. Which, if u heal and dps, is too much of a hassle(not to mention, cure fits in my lux cd better than recovery).

LoB - self-explainatory

Holy Shield - long cd and low dmg absorbed made me go for only lvl 1. One day might be worth maxing, for now it's less than 1 hit per point, no ty.

Penance - 20% on lvl 1, additional 3% for lvl 2. Somehow...3% isn;t impressive enough and my heals do just fine

GiE - removes a debuff on every tick, heals nicely, crits even better, has a huuuge range and even bigger aggro. When using it in pvp, time it very carfully and be prepared to tank. Good as an instant heal though, 2-3 ticks max to fill the hp of any non-archon/lm char.

Why I didn't take some popular support skills:

Holy Activation - with lvl 1 heals it won;t make much of a difference to me

Mass cure - 3s cast time, high interruption chance. Not what you'd call a life saving skill, is it?

Mana release - I had it for a long time. then one day handed Death a stack of mana potions and reskilled. While it seems nice, it's actually 3 elite pots every 3 mins. Or 6 intermediate. Farm some boxed and let it go

Iron Will -I refuse to tan mobs that stun.


Posts : 2
Join date : 2011-05-15

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